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PostPosted: March 3rd, 2006, 12:59 am
by Dayna

Thank you for always taking the time to answer questions both big and small. Thank you for making individual comments to us during the last Sunday roll call - it's a special thing to know that someone out there is actually paying attention! Thank you for being a walking, talking example of weight maintenance. Most of all, thank you for all the encouragement you give. Your empathy and nurturing come through loud and clear, even in this two-dimensional form of communication.

- Dayna

PostPosted: March 5th, 2006, 7:34 am
by Nicki
Thank you Nancy for sharing your story, you gave me and many others the hope that we could follow in your footsteps. Thank you for your advice and humor, you gently prod us in the right direction every time. And thank you most of all for giving us the gift of your precious time ... you could be out shopping for skinny clothes or spoiling your precious grandson at every chance, but you are so often here supporting us and guiding us whenever we need you. Many many well-deserved thanks!