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PostPosted: August 21st, 2005, 11:36 pm
by Nancy
Aimeé ~

So...whaddya think conked ya out for so long? The movies or the pickle?

When that happens - when a person gets up later than usual, just have your packets a little closer together. Like every two hours or one hour and 45 minutes.

PostPosted: August 22nd, 2005, 1:11 am
by aimalasplace
Well I was taking them 1:45-2 hrs apart and might have done a bad thing but I needed to get to bed -I had a bar and a shake together. I hope that isn't bad. I am just trying to get the water in now. I don't think I like working overnights it gets me outta wack.
I think I was just tired- I must have needed it.

:sheepjump: :sheepjump: :sheepjump: :sheepjump: :sheepjump: Looks like I am gonna be counting sheep tonight

PostPosted: August 22nd, 2005, 1:15 am
by Nancy
Well, Hunny, ya did what ya needed to...just don't make it a practice.

Guh nighty night. :snooze:

I'm heading for Slumberland soon myself. :leopard:

PostPosted: August 22nd, 2005, 2:36 am
by martha

Wow what an adventure you have had.. I don't know that I could of stayed the course at the movies yet :x ..I hardly ever get to go anymore with the mom thing going on :oops: YAHOO on your 4.5# gone in 5 days :mrgreen: :mrgreen: That is so AWESOME!!! Keep up the good work ..Your body sounded like it really needed the rest..Have a great week --Martha

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2005, 8:55 pm
by aimalasplace
Well for my first week I have lost 6 libs. :dance: I am alittle sad that it wasn't more, or maybe it's because I can't see it. But it's working!!!
I find that I am not having any problems for the most part, but I think my problem is my job. Last month I started working Nights and can't adjust to it fully I think. :boohoo: I seem to be getting depressed and not wanting to do anything besides watch TV when I am not working. Which is only 3 night!!! I am new to this area so I don't have any friends, and not alot of money to do things. I LOVE to knit and would love to have a stitch and bi#@*. I have the yarn and a few projects to do. I used to be a bike rider too but had to leave it when I moved and miss it.
I think I am just feeling sorry for myself- just being an emotional crying medifaster. :sadblue:

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2005, 9:31 pm
by Nancy
Well, Little Lady and soon to be even are doing a lot of new things then - working nights and Medifasting by day, eh?

Go to Barnes and Noble and read magazines and books. Meet new peeps and make new friends - you can do it! You can do anything now!

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2005, 9:55 pm
by fatBgone
Hi Aimee!!

You're doing great!! :toast: And I commend you on your movie going strength!! My favorite thing about movie theatres is the popcorn!! I'm proud of you!!

You know, my very first week - I slept alot more than I ususally do...I can't even imagine starting MF and having to work all night long!! No wonder you're depressed a little!! We would never know it though from your cheerful, funny posts!! :lol: ;) :lol:

Well, keep up the good work & talk to ya later!!

PostPosted: August 24th, 2005, 12:02 am
by aimalasplace
Thanks Guys !!!!!
I really look forward to this forum!! Especially when at work we can use the computer so this is where I am most of my shift when not doing floor work.
The bookstore is a great idea Nancy- I LOVE to read. I used to look at people hanging out and reading with envy, now maybe someone will look at me that way!
I would go to the movies but cash wise (don't have it) and Popcorn (Love it)
Fat b Gone-The hardest thing about going to the movies was smelling the popcorn popping. A few times in the past I resolved NOT to have popcorn until I walked in the door and smell it, caved and ate it.

PostPosted: August 24th, 2005, 9:31 am
by Nancy
I didn't go to a movie for a year and a half after I started the program because I can kill for popcorn.... :mrgreen:

PostPosted: August 24th, 2005, 6:41 pm
by martha

You are going to make it :mrgreen: We all tend to get a little down at times-especially when we move and aren't use to our new enviroments..It's free to go to the book store and free to just window shop and say "when I GET that small I want this " :mrgreen: :mrgreen: DREAMING is FREE too.. You will do fine..I wish I lived closer to ya and we could just hang around and knit together :mrgreen: .. Have a great week..You CAN DO THIS..we are here for you whenever you need us..Have a great week..Martha

ps--I LOVE TO SMELL POPCORN TOO!!! Especially since I can't have it yet.. :mrgreen: I try to stay out of the movies for now :oops: Don't think I could pass it up..Martha

PostPosted: August 24th, 2005, 7:44 pm
by aimalasplace
I have a new issue, I have noticed that I been getting muscle twitches and now I am getting cramps. I was driving home this morning and I got a HORRIBLE stomach cramp. I almost got into an accident. I had to pull over and get out to stretch it out. This is not my usually leg cramps i get when sleeping. I have now been getting a bit more hungry- REAL hunger, not cravings or acid.
I am a VERY muscular gal, my calves would make Arnold look like pillsbury the doughboy. I think I may need either another shake (suggested by a fellow medifaster) or maybe go up to medifast 70's. I just ate some pickles and it calmed my tummy for a while but it's hungry again. I am going to have some broth now
I am eatting my meals 2-3 hrs apart.
2 shakes w/ sugar free syrup
1 soup w/ medifast crackers
1 packet of oatmeal made into cookies
1 bar
I started a new job that is mostly stand up and walking.
I am going to try to find an advisor once I am off from work tomorrow
Thanks for your help!

PostPosted: August 24th, 2005, 8:43 pm
by Nancy
Aimeé ~

If you started a new job and are standing - blood pools in our legs when we sit or stand for long periods of time. For overweight people this adds more pressure to the vascular system and since you are Medifasting, it tends to dehydrate you - I'd suggest that you have some Medifast Fast Soup. If you didn't purchase any with the sodium and potassium, have 1-2 cups of bouillon (I feel it has more sodium than typical broth). If you have been ODing on the water (in excess of 100 ounces) or not drinking enough water (less than 64 ounces) than can contribute to leg cramps and a general feeling of weakness or the punies.

Are you having a Lean and Green, too?

If are on a VLCD and you must be under the watchful eye of a physician to avoid health complications...

If you take medications, they can affect how you feel, as well. Call you doctor.

PostPosted: August 28th, 2005, 1:37 am
by aimalasplace
I am doing much better today. Yesterday was horrible. I was hungry and cranky. I ended up eatting chicken skin and a small packet of easy mac. (which I didn't even enjoy) I woke up this morning and I got right back on schedule. I also recieved my Life is Hard Food is easy book. I have been reading it at work today and I can identify with alot of what she is saying.
I picked up knitting again just so I have a distraction.

PostPosted: September 2nd, 2005, 8:44 pm
by aimalasplace
Well I don't know how awsome this adveture is at the moment. I have slacked off and i will be going back on Tuesday. I can't handle going out to eat and I have a birthday dinner to go to on Monday. Everything that has been happening since Katrina has put alot of things into perspective.
I don't want this is be a downer so I would like list a few things that I am greatfull for.
I am greatfull for my health, life and loves.
The roof over my head and car to drive.
My job that keeps me busy and my hobbies that keep me sane.
Finding this forum and all the wonderful, caring people.
Most of all I am happy for this chance to help others in their time of need.
Thanks for letting me share :puter:

PostPosted: September 3rd, 2005, 5:22 pm
by Nancy
Aimeé ~

It is important for all of us to keep things in pespective, isn't it? We all can count our blessings.

Enjoy the weekend and the birthday celebration. You can rejoin your program on Tuesday with many others - you can do it! You ARE doing it.