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PostPosted: February 1st, 2007, 8:04 am
by Lauren

It's another Thursday, and since November 10th, 2005, Thursday's are my official weigh-in day. I weigh every day, but Thursday is the number that counts for me, that way I can't start making excuses to myself or fudging numbers or anything. Anyway, I lost another pound! When I hit my goal, which was totally conservative on the mid to higher range of BMI, I knew I still would like to drop a few more pounds, which I did. I've actually dropped 7 pounds, and what's most amazing is that I have maintained and hovered in the same 1 pound for weeks and weeks, that's astounding to me! I don't think I've ever maintained - EVER. I just know I can't get cocky now, and need to vigilant as ever to make sure it sticks.

My focus is now about using food to fuel my exercise/running. I think the only way I am going to successfully maintain the weight loss, and perhaps not have yo-yo dieting be my life's destiny, is to really keep my head in the game in an athletic way. I know I've said this a few times, but since I started running - and waking up early to do it! - I am beginning to view my body in a different way. I am learning to look at foods as how they'll fuel my run, choosing to not have a drink with friends the night before because it could affect my run, not because of the calories. This is a great achievement for me, because it doesn't feel like any kind of sacrifice, I am making choices that make me happy. I don't know, it's good, whatever it is!

I still eat every 3 hours, still eat lots of MF products (because I love them and they're easy!), still have an obsession with my Fage 0% Greek Yogurt, still am having my love affair with apples and pears (boy did I miss fruit!), and still drink a ridiculous amount of water. Basically, not much has changed, other than the fact that when my steamed shrimp and mixed veggies came last night, I actually ate the water chestnuts and peapods that they threw in there, instead of worrying that they're too high in carbs. Or if I am out to dinner, and they use a little sauce (when I ask for it dry), I'll eat it. I don't have the same concern for every morsel I eat, but I am still pretty regimented. I need it that way, it makes me feel safe and in control.

Things are good, I am going out more than ever now. I have always had a really good life, career, social life, family/friends, the whole thing. But now I'm enjoying it more! I don't usually make New Years Resolutions, but this year I did, and it's a funny one. My resolution was: Say Yes to Everything. Before, if I was invited to go out to dinner with someone random, or go to a bar that I thought would be too crowded, or whatever, I sometimes found excuses to not go. Now I say yes. I say yes to friends setting me up on dates. I say yes to going out anytime. I just say yes. (people, get your minds out of the gutter!) Sure, I'm a little tired, with waking up early to run, and then going out after a long day of work, but for now, it's good to burn the candle at both ends. It's fun. And, hey, I'm 31, single, and living in the best city in the world - it's supposed to be fun!

Hope the rest of you are having fun, or at least can start to see the potential that's right around the corner!



PostPosted: February 1st, 2007, 11:26 am
by Serendipity
Hey Lauren,

I can't believe how close we are to being on the same page....well except for going out all the time, there aren't that many places to go here, hehe.

We must be doing something right, because as of today, I've maintained for 2 months and it's been so easy!

Can't wait to see you this spring when we do our NYC date set yet, but I'll let you know. BTW, my son lives 2 long blocks from Union Square....pretty close to you?

PostPosted: February 1st, 2007, 11:48 am
by Karli
Hi Lauren. Just read your last post here, thanks for keeping us updated :) !! I love what you say about thinking in terms of how what you eat fuels your athletics. I have done this before, but those times were always fleeting --in the big picture-- for some reason. Not this time. I guess I just feel much more aware or something.

Anyway, I always appreciate your attitude, your spirit, your support and insights, and I think you are doing fantastically !! Say yes, that's a great one.


PostPosted: February 1st, 2007, 12:12 pm
by katieb920

I just absolutely love reading your post. You can just feel the energy coming out of you. :boing: You are so inspirational. For 3 months you & Serendipity have shown us that it is possible.

Congrats on Maintaining.

PostPosted: February 9th, 2007, 8:01 am
by Elizabeth
Lauren, thanks for sharing with us how you are doing 2 months after reaching your goal. What a great post!! You are doing awesome!
Accepting invitations and meeting new people is on my list of things that I want ....because I tend to hide, I understand that totally.

PostPosted: March 1st, 2007, 10:25 am
by Lauren
Hey, folks! Just checking in so that people don't think I fell off the train or anything! I know that whenever someone here goes missing for a while, we assume they've been struggling with the diet, as is often the case. But we need to all remember that we NEED this forum even more if we are struggling - so for any of you struggling lurkers, get to posting! Now!

Anyway, I am doing great, just had a crazy busy week that kicked my butt. Just truly not enough hours in the day, and we were entertaining clients and vendors in the evenings every night too, so just really long days. This wouldn't normally be an issue, but I wake up REALLy early every day now to do my running, so I just felt like I was constantly going, going, going. I am looking forward to the weekend to bringing things down a notch or two, I am spent!

Diet and exercise are still going great. I am going through some bizarre love affair for organic baby carrots - and I seriously wonder if I may turn orange soon. The strangest part is that I never liked raw carrots before, and now I want them all the time! I went through this phase with celery a few months ago, and now I am over that, so hopefully carrots obsession will pass too, because they are much higher in carbs/calories, so I shouldn't be eating them in such large quantities. Oddly, however, it hasn't affected my weight at all, I continue to maintain or lose, so either I am just burning all the more calories with my running and exercise, or I am just REALLY lucky! Yeah, you're all thinking lucky, huh? :-)

As always, for all you people looking for inspiration and motivation - I feel fantastic, clothes fit great, I hop-skip-and jump everywhere I go. I know that sounds weird, but it's a constant pep in the step! It's such a relief to not have to worry about things like how far a restaurant or bar is that I am going to with friends or clients, because I may not be able to walk there, or I may be a sweating huffing and puffing fool by the time I arrive. I don't have the stress of trying to plan all my activities in advance to avoid those embarassing problems. Everything is just easier.

Keep on rockin', people, it's worth it, I swear!



PostPosted: March 1st, 2007, 1:40 pm
by dede4wd
Thanks Lauren!

Your post is not just what I needed to her, it's so exciting! You're rocking the maintenance so hard and you're my hero!


PostPosted: March 3rd, 2007, 12:03 pm
by Elizabeth
Thanks for checking in Lauren and sharing with us. We love to hear how great you are doing and feeling in your new life with your new improved healthy body. You are a super Medifast example.