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Glad you found us!

PostPosted: April 28th, 2006, 7:23 pm
by Bling Bling
Hi, Greyhorse! Just a brief hello and welcome. This support forum is awesome. I've known about Medifast for more than a year. I fell off the program and am back now. After 3 days, I've lost 6.5 lbs. That is one benefit of having so much to comes off quickly at first.

Anyway, it is good to hear of your success. Look forward to your future posts!

PostPosted: April 29th, 2006, 1:59 am
by sheila
Wow! 70 lbs in such a short time is awesome! good job!

PostPosted: April 29th, 2006, 3:59 am
by ToyDiva
Hi Greyhorse,

Sorry so late with the welcome, but it is certainly great to have you here! You're an inspiration to many people with your dedication!


PostPosted: April 29th, 2006, 8:05 am
by Ginabobina1969
CONGRATULATIONS on your awesome success!!! Your doing fantastic and you are a real inspiration! Checked out your studio pics and you look great!!

Keep Shakin!!!

PostPosted: April 30th, 2006, 7:54 pm
by Becky
WOW pretty much sums it up! You are more than half way to your goal, not much left to go. I too started on January 3rd, but I've only lost 47 (and no cheating). You amaze me!! It's so interesting how everyone loses differently. :D Good job!