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PostPosted: April 4th, 2006, 6:45 pm
by dede4wd
Hi Sonja,

I started Medifast OVER A YEAR AGO. I made it six weeks and had stunning losses. I fell off the wagon (then got dragged behind the wagon, then the wagon backed over me).

I had learned some valuable lessons from MF, so I only gained 5 lbs back, but I didn't start again...FOR A YEAR!

I am KICKING MYSELF SO HARD! I could be DONE by now, I could be in Maintenance, heck I could be in the MF ads if I had just continued. I kept telling myself I'd go back Monday. I kept telling myself I'd go back after this dinner, this party, this event. My food expired.

I just came to a point where I said, "that's it, I've had it". I promised myself I would comply 100% to the plan for one month. That was Feb 28. Did I make it? Yup. Did I get my "reward"? Yep, 27lbs! Do I have to make that deal with myself this month? Nope!

I can tell you from experience...nothing is worth it! I still attend all the family gatherings and parties, I'm doing well. Food has NO power over me anymore. I can't believe the change in me has happened this fast. Food is fuel, that's it. I feel no different about food than I do the gas I put in my car. Food is medicine. I take a dose every 3 hours to help what's wrong with me. I don't add to the medicine the doctor gives me when I'm sick or hurt.

I've been there. I KNOW how hard it is. You just need to get to a point when you decide nothing is worth it. I needed a safe, fast way to take pounds off at a speed that would motivate me to continue it. I have found that plan. You have too. You just tell us when you're ready to commit. We'll be here.


PostPosted: April 4th, 2006, 7:05 pm
by ChattieCathy57

I think many of us know exactly how you're feeling; Most (but not all) of us are food addicts. Food addiction is the HARDEST one to break ... harder than alcohol, drugs, cigarettes & gambling. Those addictions are all hard to deal with, but once you have decided to do something about them, you basically can stay away from them ...not so with food! We have to shop for it, prepare it, serve it and eat it to survive.

I was raised in a home where food was everything! We ate to celebrate the good things and drown the bad; Food was always a comfort and a freind. My Mom was morbidly obese and never got to enjoy many things in life that most take for granted.

Before I started MF, if I got mad at my husband, I would go to Dunkin Donuts and then sit in my car and eat three or four donuts and a large iced Carmel Latte with extra Carmel and whipped cream. I'd sit in my car and just have a feast for myself (and feel like crap afterwards). I'd feel so bad the next day (AND GUILTY) ... but it never stopped me from going to the corner store and having them make me a bacon, fried egg & cheese sandwich on a round roll for breakfast ... then Wendy's single with cheese, fries, drink AND chicken nuggets for lunch ... dinner with my family ... and a sandwich, chips and some cookies for a "snack" while watching TV at night!

God! It's amazing that I didn't EXPLODE!!!

This IS hard ... It doesn't come easy ... It really takes work ... I DO miss "my food" ...

But I am now in control. I am not hungry between supplements. I have lost 10 pounds and fit better in my clothes than I have in over 12 years. I have so much more energy & confidence! Not only because I have lost weight ...but BECAUSE I HAVE THE POWER NOW!

Am I "fixed" and can I go back to eating regular food, regulate myself and still lose weight?? - NO, not yet ... maybe not for a long time. That is why I need MF and the love and support of my MF buddies (and my family - who are all behind me 100%).

I am 48 years old and have never, in my adult life, been at a weight where I didn't worry about what I looked like; Or if I am the fattest lady in the room. Now when I wake up, planning my daily menu is not the first thing I think about :) This is the time for me ... this is the time for you too. We can do this ... we can ALL do this!

Glad your back here where you should be

PostPosted: April 4th, 2006, 10:41 pm
by Diana
Hi, Sonja.

Starting IS a big deal. You're changing your current relationship with food. Actually, you're breaking up with it.

After I set my date for starting -- a good two weeks off from my decision to start MF -- I did a Farewell Tour of all the foods I love and wanted to say goodbye to. I made a list, planned it out, and ticked them off one by one. It was my last big binge (and, sadly, it sent me over 300 lbs again -- hadn't been there in about 3 1/2 years).

I'm just shy of being on the program for 3 weeks, and yes the first 4 days were a real trial!! We purged the house of anything I couldn't eat and took it all to my mother-in-law. We stocked up on stuff I COULD have for my sanctioned snack (pickles, SF jello, boullion, celery). I read posts about how much everyone was losing, and my HA and I were in close contact.

My body did not go into this without a fight. But it HAS gotten used to it! And now I have more energy than my hips can bear!

If you're having trouble with the lures, give the Farewell Tour a try. Then, when you've COMMITTED to starting, don't do it alone and whatever you do, DON'T GIVE UP!! Remember when temptation comes your way, you've already said goodbye and it no longer has a place in your life.

I never in my life thought I would be free of sugar cravings. It was truly an obsession!! I couldn't let it sit there, even if it didn't taste particularly good. The thought that something sweet was available was an all consuming thought!! And the grocery checkouts were like running the gauntlet!

Not that I don't have weak moments, but like with any other addiction, that's what a support system is for. Tell people your start date. Invite them to ask you how it's going and let them know how best to support you in this undertaking.

Hang in there, Sonja. In addition to what you want to say goodbye to, make a list of what you WANT! to be able to do. (There's a thread under The Elevator with these lists.)

See you at Sunday's Roll Call! You're on our minds and in our prayers.


PostPosted: April 5th, 2006, 7:36 pm
by Soon2bFitSonja
I have to say you have bought tears to my eyes with ALL your support. I am really thankful for you all. I read all of your post and it has helped tremendously. I started back on MF yesterday and for some reason I am not even hungry. I really believe it is mind over matter. Your suggestions and words of encouragement have really made the difference. I made it through day one and day two and will make it through tomorrow.

I took your advice and took one hour at a time now a day at a time. I took your advice and made no more excuses. I took your advice and came to this SUPPORT forum and have gotten strength. I believed you when you said it was up to me; I had to make up my mind; no one could do this but me. I knew you were right when you said I can do this and it felt good when you said we are here for you.

I truly thank you all for the wonderful support. I feel welcomed back and you have given me the strength I need to take control.

PostPosted: April 5th, 2006, 7:55 pm
by Nova
Yay for you, Sonja!

I'm so happy to hear you say that, and I'm taking all the encouraging words to heart myself. I'm like you. I've been on it for 7 days now, and every day is still a struggle, but it's not as hard as the first 3 days were. But like you, I take it 1 hour at a time. I'm wishing you the best!

PostPosted: April 5th, 2006, 8:42 pm
by DogMa
Sonja, I'm so proud of you (and you, too, Nova)!! Honestly, even though it DOES get easier, I've been on this for 10 months and some days are STILL a struggle. And every time I eat something - or DON'T eat something - it's a conscious decision. Most days, it's not much of a problem anymore. But temptation is never very far away.

For me, it's visitors. I can go out with friends and stay on plan. I can be home and stay on plan. I can get stressed out over work or the new house or my dog being sick and stay on plan. But my brother's coming next week for Passover, and THAT is going to be a challenge. My plan: bring supplements with me EVERYwhere, just in case, and wear my tightest clothes the entire time he's here as a constant reminder to stay the course.

You're almost through the toughest part, but the battle's far from over. Over time, you'll learn your triggers and find ways to cope with them. But sometimes the only way is sheer force of will.

PostPosted: April 6th, 2006, 6:53 am
by MusicalMomma
Sonja, I am SO proud of you! You are making GREAT decisions and moving forward in your quest for health and fitness!! I'm so glad we were here to help you over the hump! Keep Shaking! :)

PostPosted: April 6th, 2006, 11:36 am
by Tiolazz
Wow ! I love Linda.....

That was the best motivational message I have read on this board. I have printed that out and taping it to my monitor on my desk.

great reasons to stay on track!!!

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