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PostPosted: March 31st, 2006, 4:26 am
by ljm498
Hi Cathy and welcome! Yup, sugar free jello is just fine, up to one cup a day. I've been eating 2 of those little pre-packaged jellos everyday now for pretty much as long as I've been on MF. I find it's a great way to get rid of a sweet craving if you have one. But for me, it's just something I look forward to every day and keeps me happy :lol: .

Good luck on your MF journey and can't wait to hear of all of your successes!

PostPosted: March 31st, 2006, 10:01 am
by ChattieCathy57
Well, first night at work on MF was a good one. I went into the Endoscopy Dept (where I normally work) to see the schedule for the next few weeks, and a sales rep was there (of course she brought a catered lunch for the girls and Drs), the lunch was trays of Italian (MY FAVORITE!) with all those wonderful rich desserts ... no one knows about my MF program (yet). I want to just wait till they SEE the difference before I tell anyone ;) ANYWAY - they told me to make a plate for myself to have for dinner. I nicely told them that I just had my lunch and had already brought my dinner - but thanked them anyway and left as fast as I could ... to get away from the smell! :lol: I was proud of myself.
On the floor I was working, the student nurses brought in a few boxes of chocolates to thank the nurses for all their help during their clinical rotation on that floor .. of course (again) no one knew I was on a "diet" and all they did was offer me chocolates all night long (I thought I would drown in the saliva I was producing everytime I smelled the chocolates!) AND I didn't have a bar with me (I was saving it for my "at home" snack after work). I WAS SO GOOD I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A TASTE!

I made it through the night with the help of God and my determination to make this program work for me :kool:

Tonight is #2 and I know now that I'll be OK. I am eagerly anticipating my weigh-in this Sunday. I have to tell you all that I am so impressed with the weight losses that I see on the boards! Some of you guys have lost LOTS of pounds being on this program and learning to change your relationship with food. You all give me so much hope for my future...
I am SO happy I found this site! :puter:

Hope you all have a great weekend :heart:


PostPosted: March 31st, 2006, 10:11 am
by Pashta
Well WAY TO GO Cathy!!!!

:yes: :yourock:

Keep it up, you can do it!! Won't be long and you won't be having those cravings and it'll be a whoooole lot easier. :)

:cleader: :cleader: :cleader:

PostPosted: March 31st, 2006, 10:13 am
by Drama Queen

Great job resisting all that TEMPTATION!!! With that kind of resolve you will be at goal in no time!!

PostPosted: March 31st, 2006, 3:25 pm
by Arklahoma
Cathy ... Weigh to go! Those sales reps can be absolutely irritating. It seems I spend all my time at the hospital trying to steer clear of them. You did a great job!

PostPosted: March 31st, 2006, 3:52 pm
by falisamarie
Great job Cathy and I will tell you from experience that every time you resist it makes then next time easier and like someone said before me just stick to the program and before you know it those cravings will be going going gone!


PostPosted: March 31st, 2006, 5:35 pm
by SueInSLO
I wouldn't say your 1st night was a good one........I would say it was a GREAT one!!


You did awesome and have the right mind set! You're going to do excellent with this attitude.

Be proud of yourself and keep shakin'!!


PostPosted: March 31st, 2006, 10:04 pm
by ChattieCathy57
OK - tonight was a very hard night (work-wise) but I stayed true blue to my MF :D when everyone was ordering out.
I also decided that - since I don't smoke and don't get off the floor for my cigarette breaks (like some do almost once every hour); I took a "clean air" break after my dinner (tuna with lettuce and cucumbers - with tbs lite peppercorn ranch drsg.) and just went outside with my coffee and relaxed ;)
It took some of the stress off my night (stress - like almost everything else - makes me eat!).
when I came home, I had my chocolate peanut butter bar and I am now having my SF jello and have the MF cappuccino ready to go in a minute ~ then it'll be off to bed for me :snooze: .

LORD!, how I wish I could have a slice of pizza right about now! Before MF, (after working this 3-11 shift) I would come home, have a sandwich or 2 slices of pizza ... maybe some chips ...sometimes I would drive thu Wendy's and get a meal and bring it home ... THEN, I would go to bed and have horrible acid reflux all night long! (not to mention the fact that I would have a hard time walking down the stairs the next morning because my legs would be so stiff from all the carbs the night before).

Life is getting easier now (but I still do miss my favorite foods :bib: )
I guess since I have a food addiction, I will always miss the food .. but this program is a great one and I love the results more than I miss the food!

I am a follower of a preacher named Joyce Meyer; she says that we all pay a price for our decisions in life and that we all have to learn to press through the pain to get to the gain. This is whats happening to me now (and maybe many of you too) ... we have paid the price for our earlier decisions in life and are now going to push through the pain to get to the gain of a new, healthy lifestyle :cheers:

Sorry for rambling .... remember, I am tired ;)
Good night everyone
Talk tomorrow

PostPosted: March 31st, 2006, 10:58 pm
by Loribug
Hey Chattie,

You know, the food will always be there. When you are at your goal weight, you can have anything you want, in moderation.

Speaking from experience, I was on this diet for 3 weeks, got off for 3 weeks, did some calorie counting instead because I didn't really like the food. I did not lose any weight, in fact gained 6 back. Well anyhoo, you will find that when you do go to eat something you aren't suppose to, you can't eat near as much as you used to.

You are going to do great, I can tell from your enthusiasm :kool:

PostPosted: March 31st, 2006, 11:16 pm
by DogMa
Sorry for being so late with this, but welcome! Sounds like you did great both nights. As for the late-night pizza/sandwiches, it's just a habit. Before long, coming home to your Medifast snack will be your new habit. I now look forward to getting home and having some pudding while I relax before bed.

Good job resisting, though! That'll also get easier as you get used to not having all that stuff. And as the pounds come off. There's no better motivation!

PostPosted: April 1st, 2006, 6:12 am
by falisamarie
Cathy, I absolutely LOVE Joyce Meyers she is so inspirational! You are doing so well with resisting and sticking to the program. I know that food addiction is a hard one to break but trust me like with every other addiction it gets easier everytime you make it through a craving. Don't give up keep pressing forward and when you see the wieght dropping like Robin said there is no greater motivation in all the world!

One more day and you are through the hardest part!


PostPosted: April 1st, 2006, 12:04 pm
by ChattieCathy57
Alright - I just went FOOD SHOPPING for the first time since starting MF .... I am ready to gnaw my arm off! :hammerhead:

OMG - they were almost finished the rotiserie chickens... they had one of those ladies giving out free samples of a new snack... FRESH baked rolls came out when I was picking out rolls for my familys lunch (at least my guys were able to enjoy nice fresh rolls with lunch) and the baked roast beef looked to DIE for! (so I bought a pound and made each of my sons and my father have a sandwich - lol). :-P

I made it through the cravings and more of that (almost) 'dog-like' saliva (hehe). My chicken noodle soup is in the microwave as I type and I have a nice BIG glass of cold ice water with a piece of lemon rind in it next to me ;)

I just needed to scream and vent to someone who understands ... my guys are like, "Just dont eat it Mom!, No big thing".
Life should be so simple!

Oh! - let me ask you all a question... Can we have any other "snacks" during the day other than the MF crackers I read about, the MF quick soup, the jello SF cups, 3 celery sticks, broth, and a few sticks of SF gum? I am on the 5-1 plan with the 1 "lean and green". Would hate to think I am letting other snacks get away from me :eat:

Thanks Buddies :heart:
(ps: today is day 7 for me ... I started wearing my size 18W jeans and TODAY I got into my 16W ones :whoohoo: )
Hope you all have a wonderful day

PostPosted: April 1st, 2006, 2:08 pm
by ChiNut
ChattieCathy57 wrote:we all pay a price for our decisions in life and that we all have to learn to press through the pain to get to the gain. This is whats happening to me now (and maybe many of you too) ... we have paid the price for our earlier decisions in life and are now going to push through the pain to get to the gain of a new, healthy lifestyle :cheers:

Cathy - thank you so much for that quote. That is such a true statement. Keep up the great work. You are doing so great!

PostPosted: April 1st, 2006, 2:59 pm
by dede4wd
Oh! - let me ask you all a question... Can we have any other "snacks" during the day other than the MF crackers I read about, the MF quick soup, the jello SF cups, 3 celery sticks, broth, and a few sticks of SF gum? I am on the 5-1 plan with the 1 "lean and green". Would hate to think I am letting other snacks get away from me.


Quoting the quick start guide:
"You may have up to three stalks of celery a or two dill pickles per day. Sugar-free gum or mints are acceptable, but limit these to five per day. Bouillon or sugar-free Jello are also acceptable snacks. In addition, you may have one Medifast snack per day."

Just don't read this like I did and have one of each! You can imagine how long it took me to get into ketosis! When I used to snack, I went for the celery dipped in WF dressing. I could split my 3 stalks into when I was hungriest and felt like I was getting "more" snacks. Those sf jello cups are gone in an instant, and pickles...they're okay for a while!

I've enjoyed reading your posts and hope to continue reading them. You've done so well and for the love of God, don't go into the grocery store hungry again! Remember, skirt the outside aisles....

Good luck!


PostPosted: April 1st, 2006, 3:19 pm
by Diana
Cathy! Welcome and congratulations!! The victories are already piling up.

Two suggestions:

Keep track of the victories. The quick start book recommends keeping a food journal -- keep other things in there, too, such as your victory over the catered lunch and chocolates, the size 16s (woohoo!!!), etc.

Also keep track of your goals -- what are looking forward to that will directly result from your efforts on this journey? (e.g. My sister and I plan to ride all the rollercoasters at Great America in the summer of 2007.)

Snacks and headaches -- sometimes a cup of coffee (even decaf) helps with the headaches, too. We can have a LITTLE bit of half-n-half in it if you don't drink it black.

Here's to our mutual success!