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PostPosted: December 8th, 2005, 11:07 am
by Hyperion

Actually I tried it with a friend last summer, and I fell in love with this sport :)

Yes, I am actually 21, just turned an adult in USA (18 in Québec).

Yes, i think it's Scuba diving... Thanks :D :D

PostPosted: December 8th, 2005, 11:23 am
by Serendipity
lol, That post made me giggle out loud at my desk. Now everyone's asking what's so funny.

Thanks, can always use another giggle. :roflmao:

PostPosted: December 8th, 2005, 12:35 pm
by Nancy
Hi, Kids ~

Just wanted to let you know that I wish you all well on your re-starts. This is a struggle - every day - both a struggle to lose the weight and a struggle to keep it off.

Imagine how hard it is to wriggle into a wet suit - that's how hard this is at times to eat properly!

Before I found Medifast, I felt like the tooter inside the wetsuit for so long - like my skin and clothes were going to explode! Not a pretty sight!

Accountability is really important for on-going weight management.

We all have little detours, Leeann. I have them now. Don't like when I do but it just confirms my suspicions: I am a humanoid and prone to making boo-boos. Welcome to the real world!

You are a delightful person - you have a plan, you are on your way to goal and we are all marching right along beside you. Let's gitter done, Kids!