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PostPosted: July 6th, 2005, 1:41 pm
by Mommy2girls
My gosh, I hope your friend's son is going to be okay! That must have be really terrifying, and I definitely wouldn't worry about what happened. You made the best of a bad situation and you certainly couldn't drink skim milk for an entire weekend!!

The chutes and ladder post is great as it applies to weight loss. Thank you for posting that, Alisha, it is very helpful.

It sounds like you might be the kind of person who can get into ketosis without the headaches and side effects. I am that kind of person. Starting medifast after eating regular food gives me little or no side effects. You are doing great and those 5lbs will be nothing but a memory soon!

PostPosted: July 6th, 2005, 2:36 pm
by MomsTherapy
Yeah, I had a headache the first or second night, but popped 2 advil and waaala...problem solved and that was all for the headaches. Only that one time and Im sure it had something to do with my "last meal" that was accompanied by Miss Little Debbie and Papa John. ;) But other than that, I haven't really noticed side effects. Just missing my junk food. And I dont' think that qualifies as a side effect. Just a personal defect. :lol:

PostPosted: July 7th, 2005, 6:27 pm
by dlr2424
Tink..... :scratch: ......i'm sure the 5 lbs is water from overloaded sodium rich food......and also the long drive....... :yes: will be back off in no time............when I started MF it was the winter time and in fear of a snowstorm I packed my car with enough supplements for 4 days..... :mrgreen: ....I also leave some at work.... :hmmm: ......and in my pocketbook so I will never be at a loss...... :huh: has come in handy more times than I would have thought........God bless you for being such a wonderful friend and I will surely keep him in my prayers....... :angel: .......