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PostPosted: June 30th, 2005, 7:47 pm
by LessOfMe
Pati....Don't be afraid to try again! I am soon to be 57 yrs. old and I can't remember the last time that I attempted to lose weight. The only means left for me, or at least that is what I thought, was bariatric surgery. That WAS NOT an option for me. I just had given up. There is something different about this program and it is a gift from heaven for those of us who considered ourselves "lost causes." I know that is how I felt. But, I don't feel that way anymore. I am so excited for you!

PostPosted: June 30th, 2005, 8:08 pm
by want2Bthin

I have tried every diet you can think of & been unsuccessful- that is until MF!!! :yes: I love :heart: this program & you will too. I think if you don't have to worry about a big food gathering on the 4th you could go ahead & start. Like 24K said--it is up to you though.

In a week or so you will be saying to yourself, "wow, I am really doing this & I feel great." :bouncie:

Angelia :mrgreen:

PostPosted: June 30th, 2005, 8:16 pm
by suzyq
Pati - Welcome! You have made a good choice in Medifast - it is such a great plan. I have weathered several parties and events lately - before MF food would have definitely been the focus for me - now I try to enjoy everything else going on! With a little bit of planning you can get through! Every day will bring you a little closer to your goal - and you will feel great! Keep shakin'!


PostPosted: July 1st, 2005, 5:14 am
by MomsTherapy
Alisha wrote:
You and I are starting on the same day and I think Sazafraz started yesterday. Maybe we can all keep each other in check :)

Me too! Me too! :) I started today (july 1) :lol:

PostPosted: July 1st, 2005, 8:20 am
by Alisha
Hey that's fantastic! The more the merrier!

I'm currently on day 3 and my headache is finally gone! I took the advice and got some boullion and pickles last night. I did one circuit at Curves despite feeling like death then went home and had the boullion. I had my last shake about an hour later and a pickle before I went to bed. Within about 30 mins of that boullion my headache went away! I was so excited and proud for having made it through that! I have to honestly say that yesterday I felt like I was standing in the seventh circle of literal hell and the devil was jamming his pitchfork right between my eyes. But today.. I had my morning shake and took a bullion to work with me and had that shortly after. It did the trick.

I'm 4lbs down today and so anxious to put that first foot into the 10# club. I know it will be all downhill in a good way from there!

Way to go everyone. I'm tickled pink and pleased as punch for you all!

*Virtual hugs* :hug:

Alisha :rose:

PostPosted: July 1st, 2005, 10:25 am
by MomsTherapy
3 days and 4lbs already - WOW! Im so glad your headache is better too. Im sure it is part of the "withdrawl" phase.

I just finished my 3rd meal of day #1 and so far Im suprised at how good this stuff tastes. And it is so easy - I haven't even used a blender yet, I like them just fine in the shaker cup. I do feel like I could take a nice nap - tired feeling. But Im looking forward to a week from today for WEIGH DAY!!! Yay!

Keep shakin' Im right there with you!

PostPosted: July 1st, 2005, 6:11 pm
by Pati2400
Well- after posting last night I decided to start my program today after all. I'm really glad I did! I figured it would give me time to practice how to perpare the meals. I bagged up all my meals and labeled them for each day of the week. I did get so tired about 2:00 I went in and slept for 3 hours. I've been 100% compliant and I have learned alot about my bad eating habits as a result. Funny, I never realized that I was a compulsive "food grabber" --I stopped myself all day. I have been habitually noshing on auto pilot and never even noticed! The See Food diet is apperantly my favorite one and likely a major reason I have gained so much weight.

I love the taste of the shakes so far and I had a bar- carmel nut- and it was pretty good! I'm about to have my final supplement. Going through the first few days I can see is better to be at home than at work. If a nap gets me through it, so be it. I must get pickles and celery tomorrow, though. And push the water. I have trouble with water....I have to really concentrate.

I want to tell you all, I'm so grateful to you all for being there and sharing your time and experience with us Newbies. I really respect your success and dedication not only to your selves, but to others. Thank you!

PostPosted: July 1st, 2005, 8:27 pm
by Walks262
Hey Pati!

Congratulations on getting through your first day. I think you will be really glad you went ahead and started.

One of the great things about Medifast is that you learn more about your relationship with food. You get a chance to learn and then retrain your self; clearly you started on that journey today. It' can be a wonderful journey. You are now a Medifaster!

Good luck.

PostPosted: July 2nd, 2005, 2:20 am
by LessOfMe
You go girl! About that water....I find it helpful to drink one glass of water before each supplement and one glass afterwards. That keeps me on track and after 5 meals will have given you 10 glasses x 8 oz. and that equals 80 oz.!!!!! No problem!



PostPosted: July 2nd, 2005, 5:28 am
by Pati2400
Karen- great idea about the water! I'll definitely do that.

PostPosted: July 2nd, 2005, 6:58 am
by dlr2424
Less of Me...............I LOVE YOUR QUOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........ :hug: ........when you leave it to HIM .....HE will provide............ :angel: .........

Pati........and all the are all doing awesome!!!!!!!!!!!.......... :yeah: .............keep following the plan and you will be amazed...... :yay: ......and Pati .. :scratch: .....if a nap gets you through.........ENJOY IT!!!!! worked for me for the first few months...... ;) ....

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2005, 7:12 am
by Alisha
Well congratulations to us newbies! It sounds like we're well on the way to slimness and I'm so excited!

And to all of you WONDERFUL veterans - you were right - after day 3 it gets much better! I was up at 8:30am today - my 5th day - and I felt great. I can't say exactly how much energy I have (ahem.. due to sitting around yesterday watching an all day marathon of "The 4400" ) but getting up at 8:30am unless someone has a gun to my head or I have to be at work - is a miracle! I don't even have any plans. :)

And... the scale was down by 8lbs! I'm not a 'weigh yourself everyday' kind of girl, but I wanted something to confirm that I was doing everything right and it has! I'm also kind of anxious to join the 10# club. I dont know why... I guess because it's an extra kick in the britches. :)

So, happy 4th to you all and WAY TO GO!!! :goteam:

Love and hugs

~Alisha :rose:

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2005, 7:22 am
by Pati2400
Alisha- Way to go Girl! I am trying hard to avoid the scale too but - geez- it's too cool to see that number movin down.

I think it's because we need some personal validation that it's working for us. We'll probably get less anxious when we hit some milestones and are less "fidgity" about whether we are doing the right plan. Seeing these results will put that out of our minds and just "keep shaking".

Keep it up- you are doing AWESOME!

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2005, 7:48 am
by LessOfMe
Alisha and Pati..... :trophy: You are superstars to be sure! Keep on shakin' ! Congrats!


PostPosted: July 3rd, 2005, 5:58 pm
by martha
Hey Pati --
WELCOME!!!!!!!!!! Just got back but wanted to welcome you to our forum.. you are doing great!!!!!!!! :D keep up the good work and you will be at goal quicker than you ever imagined :mrgreen: --Martha