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PostPosted: May 17th, 2005, 8:38 am
by doreenq
:D Hello ladies , thanks so much for the encouragement !! My throid I hear is normal .... I went to an obesity clinic last week, the Dr thought I was on the lighter side ! and I was like pal, I've gained weight on diet center 1000 liquid diet, it was very hi in carbs.... He did comment that MF is the best choice for weight loss & suggested I stay on it, alyernate between 5/1 & the complete plan ... but he would monitor my blood levels, potassium .. ( i'd rather go thru my regular dr for this ..haaa)

I did learn that from my history of yo yo dieting that I most likely killed my metabolism... until MF !!
I dropped another pound since yesterday.. !!
Its great !!AND the wonderful people on this forum make it all the easier ! :mrgreen: Doreenq

PostPosted: May 17th, 2005, 10:22 am
by HalfOfChicka
Congrats, Doreen!! You're doing great! :D


PostPosted: May 27th, 2005, 5:05 am
by doreenq
:couch: Wow , Nancy caught me licking stuff...and my scale was sticking !! :shock: I'm proud to announce after switching to the complete MF its sooooo much easier ! Im down a few more lbs !
Yesterday I hosted a Brokers luncheon and I was not tempted , :mrgreen: I didnt sniff anything , no licks, nibbles , NADA !!
it was lovely food from Panera :cheerleader: (was / my favorite )

I was so focused, and I got alot of compliments on my loss !

not to mention the 10.50 inch lost !! phew Heres shakin it down !

Lovin it !!!


PostPosted: June 1st, 2005, 6:54 am
by doreenq
Wow, almost at the 10 lbs marker !!!! 9.8 down !! yippeeeee :cleader:

PostPosted: June 2nd, 2005, 7:52 am
by doreenq
:shock: 10 down !!!!!!!

PostPosted: June 2nd, 2005, 8:00 am
by Seaside
Go, Doreen! I know just what you mean. Losing 5 lbs, much less 10, was just a dream until I found this program. Keep up the good work!

PostPosted: June 2nd, 2005, 8:02 am
by doreenq
Thanks !! You too !!

PostPosted: June 2nd, 2005, 8:06 am
by 24KaratGold
Woohoo, you GO, doreen!