Nancy before weight loss on Medifast Diet and Take Shape for life at 258 pounds.
Nancy Before Medifast
258 Lbs

With Medifast and the help of her Take Shape for Life Health Advisors, Nancys' weight loss was 128 pounds in 28 weeks!
Nancy At 130 Lbs
28 Weeks Later!



Health Advisors

The Medifast Health Management Program. Lose weight safely.
Complete Support Provided to you by your Take Shape for Life Certified Personal Health Advisors
Lisa and Jaime Castro


Certified Personal Health Advisors
Lisa and Jaime Castro

Lisa - Jaime After Medifast

I have a family story to tell. It started with my sister-in-law visiting me at my home the morning I had resigned myself to staying heavy and unhealthy. She had lost 20 pounds since I had seen her three weeks prior at a family gathering. I couldn’t believe it! After she told me how she had gone on the TSFL program, using Medifast products and how my brother (her husband) had become a Health Advisor, my husband and I started the next day! At the time we couldn’t afford it, so we charged it. It was our best credit card purchase ever. We invested in our health and soon after, my husband, Jaime and I also became Health Advisors. The health and financial benefits have surpassed my expectations.

As the Owner/President of a luxury real estate magazine for the last 9 years, I was under too much stress. It was affecting my health and putting a drain on my family and me emotionally. A few months before I began the program I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder that is worsened by stress. I was so fatigued and achy that I had to will myself out of bed. I knew I needed to take better care of myself, but I didn’t have the energy or the time to cook for myself, let alone exercise. Back in my college days, I majored in Physical Education and Health. I knew what to do to improve my health, but it seemed overwhelming to make the necessary changes and discouraging when it progressed so slowly.

Shortly after going on the program I was diagnosed with low thyroid. It made my weight loss slower than my other family members, but I did it when nothing else had worked!!! I lost 30 pound in three months and went from a size 12 petite to a 0 petite! My health has greatly improved. Even though my blood tests indicate I have Lupus and Sjorgrens. I don’t currently have the symptoms that would classify me as having the illnesses. I exercise nearly every day, now that I have the energy and I don’t hurt any more. It’s amazing what good nutrition can do!

I have kept my weight off since September of 2003. I thought losing the weight was amazing, but keeping it off has been the greater miracle! Since I hit 30 I haven’t been able to maintain a healthy weight. Now that I’m 44, lean and feeling great, I’m going through a mid-life improvement, not a mid-life crisis. I’m getting my priorities straight, God, family, friends and my health – physical and financial.

Lisa Before Medifast

My husband, a Police Sergeant, using the products for nutritional reasons, lost 12 pounds and gained muscle definition. We are partners in life, as well as our business. We’ve been married for nearly 25 years and partners in our Take Shape for Life business since July of 2003. Our first training day as new Health Advisors was on our Anniversary. I asked my husband if we should go to the training, and he said, “What better way to spend our anniversary than to start our new business together and build dreams for our future”. Aahh.

As for the rest of my family…My parents both lost around 60 pounds each and became Health Advisors. Our son became a Health Advisor, after being on the program, my younger sister calls it her “home liposuction kit”, and my brother-in-law uses Medifast for weight loss and nutrition when he doesn’t have time to eat while on the road. My other brother has lost about 20 pounds so far. My Grandmother uses it for joint health (her knees haven’t felt better in years) and our family’s doctor recommended a modified version of the program for weight loss after her multiple heart attacks, when he saw how it improved my family’s health.

And because our TSFL business is so rewarding, I recently sold my magazine and I am now pursuing our Take Shape for Life business full time! I am so looking forward to our new lifestyle. FREEDOM!!… Freedom to pursue our dreams, and the regained health needed to achieve them!!!

~Lisa Castro

Lisa - Jaime on Harley

We're pleased to be able to introduce you to Lisa and Jaime. If you would like to choose them as your personal health advisors, use the links and information below. They are looking forward to helping you regain your health and reach your goal.
The MakeMeThinner Team.

Lisa and Jaime Castro
Certified Health Advisor #2591401
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         Medifast/Take Shape for Life are registered trade marks of Jason Enterprises, Inc.

Copyright 2003 Terry Pettit 
Certified Health Advisor No. 9232

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Medifast low calorie diets require physician monitoring to minimize the potential for health risks.
A regular or certified Health Advisor is not a substitute for a physician or a qualified medical practitioner for monitoring patients using Medifast low calorie products