Certified Personal
Health Coaches
Chris and Becky Renfro
For over seven years I have used and loved the Take Shape for Life
program featuring Medifast products. I initially lost 52 pounds on
the program (although I didn’t go all the way to my final goal) and
kept it off for close to two years. I had our first son, Nicholas,
in June of 2005 and put on about 50 pounds. In January 2006 I
started back on the program at 225 pounds and in August made it to
my goal of 140 pounds. I lost 81 pounds in 28 weeks. Yahoo! Shortly
thereafter I got pregnant with our second son, Jacob, and was so
glad to start out at a healthy weight this time. Jacob is almost 3 years
old now and Nicholas is coming up on 5. Both of the boys are full of energy.
Thanks to the Take Shape for Life program I am back down to my goal weight
and able to keep up with them!


The joint pain that I have had for several years due to auto accidents is completely gone. The soy protein makes a huge
difference in how I feel and I will continue with at least three
Medifast each day because of that.
Due to Chris’ passion for cooking, he attended & graduated from
Western Culinary Institute’s Le Cordon Bleu program in the summer of
2005. Barbecuing, baking, grilling, poaching—you name it, he loves
it…. And he has just about every appliance you can imagine in the
kitchen. One of his favorite courses was in nutrition and he is
excited about creating recipes and menus for the lean & green meals
(part of the Medifast 5 & 1 program), as well as meals for
maintaining weight loss after the transition phase. We hope that this will
be an excellent service to our customers in the future who need assistance
planning meals & making proper food choices.
Our boys love to have Medifast meals and snacks. They always want a shake
with their breakfast, bites of bars, or a bag of soy crisps. It’s never too
early to start using Medifast and you can feel safe knowing your kids are
eating healthy with good quality food. Can you say the same thing about all
those diet foods and pills out there? I would never give THOSE to my kids so
why would I want to use them myself?
We have received advanced certification training for Health Advisors
and we are closely linked with the latest information available.
We’d love to help you along your journey to optimal health.